Do not get over confident, do not get overconfident, do not get over confident.
is what I am repeating to myself now. 17 days without a vocal fold closer, yes, some close calls but none yet. Just keep everything the...
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Do not get over confident, do not get overconfident, do not get over confident.
Need vs. have.
A Miracle!
15 days!
Update on Crying
A day in the life of a Mute person.
13 Days, barely....
10 Days!
Had a craving for Pizza. So I ordered one.
The next step down the path, willingly and with eagerness!
Update on experiment.
Experiments in Chemistry
Heroic "having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave."
The move down stairs is complete.
Well it was too good to last.
Chicago Tribune Remembered and grab bag.
Blind Spot
Charlie Munger, partner of Warren Buffett.
Emergency room for two days!