I have hired a caretake to look after me. She started last night and will staff the 7pm to 9pm shift 5 days a week. The a different person will come the other two days. In the morning starting next week, some one will come in 9am to 1pm. Same deal, they will cover 5 days and someone else the other two. I don't need the help right now but will shortly and better prepared and not need than fail to prepare and need. And yes, I am trying hard to feel good about this and it is not always working to be honest. But I am trying, Lord, that is all I can do.
On the side I have genuine excitement about, Tim Storey is stopping by to play cribbage. And I have hired a home contactor to come by and put up a few grab bars for me to help me avoid falls.
glad you making the best of that transition. its better to have some help. you may not always need it but nice to know someone there. You are always in my thoughts and pray you can be the most comfortable as can be.
great calls all around my friend!! another terrific example of heroism - asking for and embracing help .. great job Russ!!!
Better to have help and not need it than need it and not have it ... and besides, maybe you can teach them how to play cribbage. Take care Russ
Fantastic! It is really nice to know… thanks for sharing this news!