So I enter my third day of battle with ALS fluid in the throat. And I happy to report I woke up at 4:10am today due to hydrologic pressure and while I was addressing that I started to cough. So I headed downstairs in the dark and utilized the suction device. And got...... nothing! I tried again. And nothing. so I went back to bed and thought hard about what could be the cause. I drifted of to sleep and must have continued to work the issue in my sleep because when I woke up I had it! Last night I was clear until 9pm. I went up on my computer at 6pm and spent three hours there. The day before I spend maybe five hours there during the middle of the day. See the connection? It is how I sit in that chair that I think is causing the build up of thick saliva. So today I am typing with a pillow stuffed between the back of the chair to force me to lean forward. My next experiment in action! And lest you think I am making too big of a deal about this, I was ready to end my life so it strikes me as a pretty big deal and since I know the guy that runs this blog I can put up anything I want !
I have to apologize at least for now. I am suspicious of ALS with good reason. But whatever was going on with me yesterday (Ended up happing 11 times) has not happen once to me since midnight last night. I can't pull any viscous fluid out of my throat. I was very pleasantly surprised after last night to wake up at 9:30am today and unable to pull any fluid out. I am sorry to keep any of you that were worried about me waiting but I wanted to see what would happen during the course of the day. But just a few minutes ago I tried again to pull fluid out and came up empty. And I went to two stores today and was able to walk around for as long as I needed and saliva production was down. Now I am not declaring any victory here and I stand behind the state of my mind yesterday if it comes back. But so far we have a truce and I hope it holds! And I am introducing into my body the same things at the same time it an effort to duplicate what worked today. So not a win, but my mood is considerably brighter today then yesterday!

Great detective work Russ.
Your trouble shooting skills still exists good job
No apology required. Cannot imagine the highs and lows everyday brings.
Russ we are all glad things are better today 😎