This Saturday Russ took control of his own destiny, defeated ALS, and left this earth. Over the next few days many words will be shared about Russ and his life, and I'll share more details after I've planned his memorial services in Wisconsin. Until then - before he went, Russ recorded a video message for all of his friends to watch.
Russ Newton
You sassy man! Thank YOU! Your wit and outlook can't be beat. Even when ALS cut your tongue out, you found a way to share your humor. Keep on rockin' neighbor! Miss you!
Russ…I was so glad that Stefan and I got to spend some time with you and say goodby. Your sense of humor and strength is an inspiration to all he had the pleasure of knowing you. RIP my friend!
Russ, devastated isn’t even the word. I knew we would eventually reach this point but it’s still so painful to accept. I’ve had the honor of serving as your caregiver these last few months & it sucks that I won’t see you again. I won’t be able to take those strolls through the neighborhood with you anymore or give you shit for ordering more gnomes!!! No more helping you prepare pizza for your friends & families or going back & forward with you during the playoffs. My feelings are so hurt Russ. You’re no longer in pain though so therefore, you won! Until next time my friend 🤍.
rest in peace Russ, you will be so missed by many. you will always be in my thoughts, we were in a special club :) the ONE CLUB :) lol I'm very grateful I got to know you.
Gutted! Even knowing this was coming I am still in denial. I'll toast you tonight with Irish Whisky and a chorus of "The Party Glass". Godspeed my old friend.