to tell you all that my speech is almost gone. This is the first major step in the battle called Bulbar onset ALS. Next up, loss of the ability to eat. Then the last step, loss of ability to breath. Better for me if when you wish to speak with me to email or text. I am still here mentally, just can't get the words out any more. I would learn sign language but then I would probably lose the use of my hands so I will pass on that. Email is where I can be most expressive but texting is second best and will work for me as well. Thanks for understanding.

You’ve always been a fighter Russ- but in a righteous, inspiring, sort of way. The way that gives people hope and assurance that this world is still good, has good people, and is worth fighting for. Wishing you the best Russ.
I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you are managing okay. Hugs, Sally
Grand Spud,
Thank you for the very kind words. I had a pretty smooth life until I was 50, then the warranty ran out I guess. Prostate cancer hit me in 2010, then again in 2012. My father had dementia and even though I was not close to the man, I was the only one left that could help him, so I did. Then while we were in BK at Tribune, they sued me for $250,000. Ended up winning that but took five years. Then I got fired for being ethical and they thought I was the whistleblower. I would have been happy to be that but I didn't do it. Then I retired the first time and my wif…
I have not yet faced a situation in life as challenging as this. I know I will... we all will... and hope I can meet it as admirably, and courageously as you are.
On occasion I have contemplated my blessings and wondered how these have prepared me for life. I've come to the conclusion that those of us with "easy" lives are less fortunate than those that endure significant hardship. When life is easy, you can be distracted by insignificant things such as expensive possessions and self indulgence. Hardships always return your focus to the things that are truly important.
Keep hanging in there Russ. I'm taking you as an example of how I would like to handle life's challenges…
Prayers for you my friend