So when you have ALS and you have had it for a couple of years and you are closing in on the end of your life you get shall I say a little desperate? I sure am. I and I am a rational person and i know the odd of non traditional treatment aren't very good. But here is an example of a really cold rejection.
Now to set this up properly, when I was running the San Diego Tribune one of the outside work activities I was part of was the Cross Border Collation. This was a group of 30 people from both sides of the border working to solve common issues between our two countries. It was one of the more useful boards I belong to to be honest. And one of the people I met through this board was Frank Carrillo. He was a very interesting cat to make acquaintances with. While I was there he invited me to a birthday party he was having at his estate in Mexico. I crossed the border and attended the party. At first I was uncomfortable as I was the only gringo there. But everyone also spoke English and quickly put me at ease. I had a very good time that day and felt closer to Frank afterwards. Well I got fired a few months later and figured I would never see him again. But then I came down with ALS and after about a year I had read a little bit about stem cell therapy and was getting frustrated with the American Medical system so I emailed Frank and I will copy below a transcript of that email and the coldest most heartless turn down of all I have ever seen.
Frank Carrillo <>Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 6:40 PM
To: Russ Newton <>
Not interested in your project
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Russ Newton <>
Sent: Monday, September 6, 2021 1:58:36 PM
To: Frank Carrillo <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNO] Favor
Any update on this? Never did hear back from you on this matter. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated.
Russ Newton
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 1:47 PM Russ Newton <> wrote:
Thank you so much sir!
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 11:11 AM Frank Carrillo <> wrote: Hello Russ Yes, I do remember you. Sad to hear about your illness and I will ask for optional treatments using stem cells. I ll be in touch in a couple of days Best regards From: Russ Newton <> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 5:26 PM To: Frank Carrillo <> Subject: [EXTERNO] Favor E-MAIL EXTERNO: Si el remitente es desconocido, no haga click en ningún enlance o archivo adjunto. Nunca entregue su identificación de usuario o contraseña. Dear Mr. Carrillo, I met you when I was Publisher at the San Diego Union Tribune in 2015. I wasn't there long, but I hope you remember me. I will cut to the chase. I was diagnosed with Bulbar Onset ALS about a year ago. And I recall you also owned a Stem Cell Clinic in Mexico. I hope my memory is good. Anyways, I wanted to ask if you know if there is any treatment you are working on for ALS and stem cells? Thanks, and I appreciate any time you can spare me on this subject. Thank you. Russ Newton CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message including attachments, if any, is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521. It is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please advise the sender immediately. NOTA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: El mensaje en este correo electrónico incluyendo archivos adjuntos es confidencial y está reservado exclusivamente para su(s) destinatario(s). Cualquier transmisión, revelación, divulgación, copia, duplicado, publicación, modificación, almacenamiento o uso indebido de esta información, sin autorización expresa de su remitente, se encuentra estrictamente prohibida y constituye un delito en términos de leyes penales mexicanas e internacionales. Si usted ha recibido este correo y/o su contenido por error, le solicitamos informar al remitente inmediatamente y eliminar el contenido de su procesador y servidor, si usted es el destinatario y no desea recibir comunicaciones por este medio por favor contacte al emisor inmediatamente. Frank Carrillo Director General Dirección General • EBP6 Sistemas Medicos Nacionales SA de CV MEX: 664 231 4778 - USA: 619 407 4082 Ext.1999 NOTA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: El mensaje en este correo electrónico incluyendo archivos adjuntos es confidencial y está reservado exclusivamente para su(s) destinatario(s). Cualquier transmisión, revelación, divulgación, copia, duplicado, publicación, modificación, almacenamiento o uso indebido de esta información, sin autorización expresa de su remitente, se encuentra estrictamente prohibida y constituye un delito en términos de leyes penales mexicanas e internacionales. Si usted ha recibido este correo y/o su contenido por error, le solicitamos informar al remitente inmediatamente y eliminar el contenido de su procesador y servidor, si usted es destinatario y no desea recibir comunicaciones por este medio por favor contacte a Frank Carrillo inmediatamente. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message including attachments, if any, is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521. It is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact Frank Carrillo by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please advise Frank Carrillo immediately.
So now I am looking into flying to the Far East for stem cell treatment. As I have said before, money doesn't mean much to me anymore and I would trade in every dime I saved for an extended life. But isn't this the most cold hearted turn down you have ever seen? Just gutted me. But only for a minute. Onwards and upwards. And special thanks to Mark Dytayo for pushing me so hard on this path. He has been a godsend pushing me to chase this option down. Stay tuned for updates. So it looks like the hermitage only lasted for three days!

DAMN!! 😨 I am so sorry this happened to you. I am so sorry ALL of this has happened to you. No one deserves this dirty hand of cards. Is it possible he confused your ask with someone else's? God bless you.
"Not interested in your project"!! Your project! What an Ass(&$!
Chase down the Stem Cells, Russ. We're all behind you .
To quote John Prine - some humans ain’t human.
Sorry you had to go through this, praying for you
Daaang! You would have thought that you were offering him a chance to extend his car's warranty. Pretty cold.