Made it home after two weeks on the road visiting Matt Miller in Maryland and stopping over to see Amy Foran in Chicago. And thank you to Amy for paying for my hotel room at the very nice Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. First time I had stayed there in my many trips to Chicago over the years and i was glad to finally stay there. It was a great room, great view, just about perfect. I tried to put it on my credit card as money isn't important to me anymore but they wouldn't let me since you used points. So thanks! So I came home to a packed mail box and weeks of NYT stacked up on my porch by a nice neighbor. Guess their vacation hold doesn't work too well with NYT. Anyways, good to be home. Next up, a cycle trip to San Antonio to see my doctor and find out if my recent feelings of strength and improved speech are just figments of my imagination or a real gain. Then after that appointment, four days in Texas then a flight to Cabo San Lucas for a Blue Marlin fishing tournament!

A Blue Marlin I caught there with two members of the crew that are taking us out on the next trip. Good guys. The gentleman on the right actually hooked the Marlin and all I had to do was reel it in. Though it did take about 15 minutes and is truly a top ten moment in my life. They are amazingly strong and put up a great fight. Happy to release him after this picture was taken.
And here are a few pictures from Amy's balcony, very impressive view of Lake Michigan.

Russ, it sounds like you are doing ok with the great trips and wonderful visits with old friends. Be careful on your bike going to TX, and good luck Marlin Fishing!! Be sure you let me know what the Dr. says. Will be praying what your feeling is an IMPROVEMENT!!! Love ya lots, Aunt Jane