This should be the last post before a professional web master takes over and cleans the site up a bit. Stay tuned for 2.0. Okay, today was a marked change in conditions. Woke up in Mobile, Alabama and the sun was shining! Amazing what that does for the start of your day on a cycle. Of course God is a iron, rain started up shortly after we left! But after about fifty miles, it was pretty clear sailing. Our target for the day was Mexico Beach Florida. Here is a pic.

This happened a year ago and doesn't look much better now! Nothing left of the town, every hotel, every restaurant, every gas station was gone. Almost ran out of gas, found the only station down the road about ten miles. Than we headed into Port Saint Joe, Florida. Couldn't find a hotel room that had two beds or had to stay in a hotel out on the freeway. Kept on riding and rode out to Saint Georges Island. (Look it up on Google)

First inn only had one bed and a day bed. The told us about a second hotel down the road 1/2 a mile. After three miles the road ran out but a walking couple told us where to go. It was about 200 feet from the first hotel and on the ocean as the the attendant told us, " The only beach front hotel open on the beach in 60 miles" . So all good things come to those that wait, I guess. Signing off, time to feed Mark some food and Russ some Beers. Here is a pic of Mark's reaction to the location.

And here is shot just outside of our room
