I actually have a memory of this. From when I was less than a year old. I remember pulling these plants off and down on the floor. I don't remember why I did or what I was trying to accomplish but I have a memory of doing this. And I can't remember so many other things you would think I could. Memory is a strange thing.
Russ Newton
Hello Russ.....Anne Leffel here....... I hate what you are going through.
I suspect the reaction you got from your mom was enough to make you remember. No reason to pull down. At 1 don’t need a reason. Probably surprised you as much as your mom.
I have always had a vivid memory of the first few minutes after my birth. I felt like I was in a freezer and I REALLY wanted them to take that cold thing off of my chest (The stethoscope). I have always had some other recollections from my early years; but those first few moments have always stood out more than anything else.