The trip out to the clinic for my second shot was completely different than my first shot three weeks ago. The Clinic has been closed the past two days due to winter weather in Texas as I imagine most you have have heard about. So I was worried they would be closed today, the last day I will be in town for several weeks and miss the shot. So even though I am going to sound like I am complaining, I was fine with waiting as long as I got the shot. And I did! So all is well. But my appointment was for 11:30am and they didn't open up until 12:00noon today. So we got in line and waited. they let us in earlier than noon, but the line inside stretched around four halls that made a giant square and we were on the 4th wall. It took around 2.5 hours to get through, compared to about 15 minutes the first time. But I am grateful that I was able to get the second shot regardless of how long I had to wait.
Congrats on the second dose!, you are now street legal!
Larry, Thank you for the kind words. We all have the power to change our life's if we just focus on what we feel is important. Russ
Good to hear you got your two doses. I had my first Pfizer shot on Friday. Three weeks to my next.
Enjoy your ride.
Lovingly, Rick V😎
Hi Russ,
So glad you have found someone to share life with.
This morning I was I thinking of you. The reason was more self-serving than compassionate. I've F-ed up some relationships in my life and am looking for the strength and wisdom to try and salvage them. I've at least found the strength to declare myself an alcoholic and take responsibility for that.
So, I've looked back on your journey for inspiration. It gives me great hope that I can take on the challenges I have created for myself.
Thank you for having created this journal. It is helping me.