I was too tired yesterday to post after arriving home but better late than never. We started the day in Duluth, MN and headed East to Bayfield, WI one of Jim's favorite spots in the world.

This shot was taken from the deck of a restaurant we ate at in Bayfield. We then left and head for home down hwy 13. It wasn't too difficult of a ride for me but for Jim another story. All due to his ride. He has to hand throttle the bike 100% of the time (I have cruise control) He has road noise and wind for entertainment (I have satellite radio) Needless to say, hand cramping and fatigue were a factor and resulting in us stopping every so often to give both of us a chance to recover. We covered 404 miles, a healthy ride on back country roads. And we had a couple of good stops. Here is one.

and another.

Okay the same stream twice but it was a nice rest stop.
To sum up I think we had a great time I think this picture of Jim sums it up.

That is all folks.