Well it is early to claim victory over the most recent bout of not breathing but I did make it through last night without a reoccurrence and that is a good thing. I can't tell you how I inferred this but I thing good hydration is tied up with this. My doctors seemed to worry about me taking too much of the anti Saliva medication and I have been taking all three medications at their full dosses. So last night I took a full bottle of Pedialyte at 9pm and thing that may have helped. I also messaged my doctor to get his thoughts but he isn't a weekend responder so I will wait and see what he says I should do. Anyways, it didn't repeat itself and that is a good sign because ALS doesn't usually back off on a symptom . .

I know you aren't interested in a ventilator; but I wonder if a CPAP would help you. I've used one for 20 years. I can't even take a nap without it, or I'll quickly wake up feeling like I am suffocating. I know your situation is completely different from mine; but the effect on your breathing, during sleep, seems very similar.
There are two types of sleep apnea. One, 'Obstructive Sleep Apnea', is just the result of the air passages relaxing, and closing, when you fall asleep. The other type is 'Central Sleep Apnea'. In that case your body stops commanding you to breath. I seem to suffer from both kinds. Using my CPAP completely stops the symptoms from…