Is what I am suffering from. And the one the UW doctor said to me come in for a booster shot if this round doesn't work. And it didn't so I did go in today for a follow up treatment. and she did it right. Eight shots in my lower jaw (Sublingual and Submandibular Glands) with the same type of Botox that worked before the time before this. So my hopes are high I can take this rag out of my mouth. In 3 to 13 days........
New additions below and it is getting slightly full but I can find more room!

Bigfoot with trolls



Raptor with Egg.
Some child is going to love the raptor with the egg! (This child does!)
The facial diagram was very helpful. And I have another idea. You are accumulating such a fun menagerie of yard art that I wonder if, when you are no longer attached to these pieces, you might consider having an auction of your pieces with all of the proceeds going to ALS research. Just a thought. Thanks for sharing your gardens with us. Vivian