I know it has been a few days since I last posted. Life you know, it gets in the way. Was having way too much fun in Cabo to post then home to San Antonio for one night, then back on a plane to Wisconsin to spend a couple of weeks here before I head South for the Winter. Had to get tires on the car, done. And fill a couple of critical prescriptions, done. So now I have time to post.

Sea Gull on a rock. This is one of three pictures I will post. It looked to be great photo to take but on a rocking, moving boat, it was hard to get the picture I wanted.

This is from further away and while not a great picture, does give you a better sense of the surrounding area. These rocks are just outside the harbor where the marina is in Cabo San Lucas.

This is a sea gull on the lower part of the same rock drying its wings after a plunge of fish.

This Chase Deaton, a new good friend. Man of God, good father to his children and a freaking Republican! Hell, two of three is good enough for me!

Erik Gunderson, our host and a real nice guy. Thank you Erik for the invite, it will be a favorite memory of mine for the rest of my life.

Eric Brown, another new friend and a great father, man of faith and of course, a Republican! Again, two of three is enough for me.

Chris Mann. A long time friend, good father, man of God and a freaking Republican. What did I do to deserve this kind of hell! But still, a heck of good time on this trip, even though we finished far out of the money, we still caught a handful of nice eating first. The pictures at the table was where we enjoyed our catch of the day. We brought the fish to the restaurant and they prepared if for us three different ways, all of them delicious. And even though we didn't win, we won the game of life having a nice three days on the water with good company, good weather and had good fun fishing. Joe Biden! 2020!
Glad you had a fun trip! This explains for your poor fantasy football performance :)