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  • Writer's pictureRuss Newton

Bucks win Title!

And I was at the game!

Sue and I went the game and it was Planes Trains and Automobile getting there. We left three hours early, that had to be enough time to get there, right? Well we ran into heavy traffic about 30 miles outside of Milwaukee and it took us an hour and half to get to the arena. Still plenty of time, you would think. Well, it took another 90 minutes to get into the parking garage. I drove past it the first time then we spent the next 90 minutes trying to get back to it. But every street was blocked off. So I went back the way we came and got on the street the cops had shut down the street right before the garage. So we went the way the sent us. Finally we came up to another street that was blocked off and I showed the ticket to a cop and he direct us back to the spot where we got turned away with this golden advice. Show them the parking pass! So after another 20 minutes waiting for traffic to move we got up to that point and they let us in. So we made it to our seats with about 30 seconds to spare before tipoff.

But it was a great game to see. Very exciting. to watch the back and fourth. Giannis Antetokounmpo would not be denied and delivered the second NBA Champion ship (The first in 50 years) to Milwaukee.

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Jul 22, 2021

So cool that you were there! Glad you made it to your seats before tipoff!


Jul 22, 2021


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