"...and was told I was "the most disrespecting manager" he had ever seen..." Translation = "You're disrespecting me by speaking (out loud) the truth."
I also had a problem with this director. When he first came to The Times he started spewing "values" and hosted many huge, "chicken-dinner" employee meetings. At those meetings he told emotional stories, praised the importance of compassionate management, reaffirmed total commitment to employees, and asked the front-line people (most of whom were the ABW or Anything But Work crowd) to add to his list of phony, sappy "Values." A bunch of us at our table started laughing (quietly) when the biggest slug at the OC Times facility stood up, took the microphone, and proposed th…
Russ Newton
Larry, You brought back alot of memories with this post! I hope I never preached false values. I always stressed respect and treating people right but never with the implication of job security. At least I thought I did.
Tom Wiensch
I very much enjoyed the interview Russ.
Enjoyed the article! So so glad I was one of the 500 to get a call on your commute. Love ya!❤️
Colin Rudowski
Russ, I purchased the book Replay today. Always looking for something good to read. 
Really enjoyed the interview Russ.
"...and was told I was "the most disrespecting manager" he had ever seen..." Translation = "You're disrespecting me by speaking (out loud) the truth."
I also had a problem with this director. When he first came to The Times he started spewing "values" and hosted many huge, "chicken-dinner" employee meetings. At those meetings he told emotional stories, praised the importance of compassionate management, reaffirmed total commitment to employees, and asked the front-line people (most of whom were the ABW or Anything But Work crowd) to add to his list of phony, sappy "Values." A bunch of us at our table started laughing (quietly) when the biggest slug at the OC Times facility stood up, took the microphone, and proposed th…
I very much enjoyed the interview Russ.
Enjoyed the article! So so glad I was one of the 500 to get a call on your commute. Love ya!❤️
Russ, I purchased the book Replay today. Always looking for something good to read.